I like to inform myself about exo-planets. How can I do?

For a good overview have the simulation module many diagrams, which can show under diagrams - planets. For example its interesting to see the current number of exo-planets on diagram „year of discovery“, if the trend can hold for more and more discovered exo-planets. Additional the statistic menu have the diagrams „star systems“, „Jupiter-like planets“ and „Earth-like planets“. The exact orbits of exo-planets can show on menu Specials – Planet systems. Also a good overview give the star map (also in Specials menu) which can show the position of all stars with exo-planets (menu objects visible/invisible). Some projects search only at the same position on the sky, because of this you can see some clusters of exo-planets (for example Monoceros and Sagittarius). In the future more clusters in constellations Cygnus/Lyra are possible, where the American satellite Kepler searched around 145,000 stars for transit planets.

If you like to know exactly data about exo-planets and their stars, please look into the database module. On the main window you can select the category “planets” for view a list of all confirmed exo-planets. Alternative you can input the name of the exo-planet into the search-field for finding them or you to narrow the list with the filter function (menu database – filter). If you need an overview about the date of discovery of all exo-planets, you can use the menu Specials - “discovery date of exo-planets”. Also an interesting function is the record overview in the same menu (for example nearest and away-est planet).